What is Cognitive Science?

Cognitive Science is an interdisciplinary enterprise concerned with describing and understanding the ways in which information is acquired, represented, and utilized by minds, brains, and computers. The field studies topics like perception, memory, language, and rational thought, but also deals with topics like brain-machine interfaces and artificial intelligence.

What do Cognitive Science students at Rice study?

The Cognitive Sciences major program at Rice University offers students the opportunity to learn about important topics from several important vantages: psychology, linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience, and computer science. Furthermore, Cognitive Science students at Rice have numerous opportunities to apply what they learn by working in scientific research labs on campus and at the nearby Texas Medical Center.

What kinds of careers are available for Cognitive Science graduates?

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of Cognitive Science, there is no single dominant career path. Many graduates go on to medical or law schools, and others pursue advanced study in subfields like psychology, linguistics, or neuroscience. Many graduates find fruitful careers in the technology sector working on topics like search, natural language processing, and user interface design. The flexible degree facilitates work in diverse fields. Please see our website for more info!

Phone: 713.348.3841
Fax: 713.348.5221
E-mail: bart4@rice.edu (Director), kemmer@rice.edu, byrne@rice.edu (undergraduate advisors)

Postal Address
Cognitive Sciences MS - 25
Rice University
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77005

Street Address
Cognitive Sciences MS - 25
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005